
jE nE sAiS qUOi!!!!1

Things You Do When You Don't Leave Your (Attic)Bedroom For 30 Hours Straight:

-Read the Wikipedia on societal collapse (again). This time, taking notes. 
-Read all of the "suggested reading" Wikipedias under the societal collapse one.  Also taking notes.
-Watch Clifford. Why not? (Liz Kiefer if you are reading this sorry I stole your Clifford DVD)
-Make pictures like this, depicting an average day in the Bernard household.
-Finally figure out how to make real links on blogger
-Decide to go to Scotland next week. Why not?
-Book plane ticket for Scotland next week. 
-Contemplate eating the following: flower stems, leather boots, birth control pills, ibuprofen.  
-Find a bit of water at the bottom of a water bottle. Hey maybe I was just thirsty anyway!
-Post yet another obnoxious post in blog complaining about life in France


In America, idiots say "for all intensive purposes." In France, idiots say "comme-meme."

Kim says "comme-meme" constantly. The first week here I turned to host mother and said "Comme-meme? What does that mean?" She told me what it meant (even so, all the same, etc.) However, I was pretty sure the expression was "quand-meme" (it is). Yesterday I asked her, "Is it COMME-meme or QUAND-meme?"

She looked at me like I was an idiot.


WRONG! OMG! victory is mine you stupid lesbian asshole.

Today's favorites: blondie, prince cookies (an everyday favorite), the tandoori sauce i finally decided to just steal from the house, knowing that in a short amount of time i'll no longer hit my head ever five minutes, knowing that in a short amount of time i'll have a bedroom door, knowing that in a short amount of time i get to see my brother (wtf! in the midst of everything i've barely thought about it!), flowers my mom sent me that Beatrice thought were hers for a second and I was like oh actually they're mine, thanks and snatched them from her real fast (actually that happened yesterday), "unforgiveable (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VX8_M-KI7IQ)" (actually that happened like a year ago but i'm still lovin it), thinking about how tomorrow on the way to school i'm going to go to a boulangerie i've never been to before and buy who knows what!


themes/possible memoir titles

*French People Never Mess Up Except At Being Good Parents/People/Not Being Total Dillholes
*Chevre's Ok But Cheddar's Better: I Miss Orange Cheese
*French Women Don't Get Fat- But You Will, Stupid Asshole American
*Maybe I Should Just Date High Schoolers Because They Seem Nice And Not Terribly Unattractive When You Live In Paris
*Priorite A Droite Is The Only Thing Shittier Than Your Ugly Face
*I Should Probably Try To Hold Off the Tears Until I Get In the Shower: Life Without A Bedroom Door
*The Heat's Broken and You're Mad I Didn't Notice? Oops! Guess It Was Hard To Tell From the Attic!

I don't mean to whine (yes I do) but my host family is very difficult. Minus the cat. However, today I fell asleep outside in the sun- how many inches of snow has Wisconsin gotten so far? HA!


Things I am INTO: baguette (duh), chevre, chevre pizza, pommes chauffes, coca cola light, actimiel, prince cookies, nutella snack n go's (NOT to be confused with snack n drinks, which are creepy), my audi, violette (always), when kim is being cute and adorable as opposed to obnoxious and spoiled, sitting at school all day doing nothing, carrefour, this leather coat i am going to buy from promod, the weather here, common languages that are not native to either speaker.

Things I am not into: anne and beatrice both being out of the country thus leaving me alone with kim, the electricity not working in the morning, me having to puke for like a million years, kim throwing a tantrum when i try to wake him up in the morning, having to puke more, realizing kim wet the bed last night, having to explain to kim why the tv isn't working. None of those things are so shitty, but when they all happen within 15 minutes of one another, I want to shoot myself.


All of my brothers have the flu right now and I just want to be sitting around watching TV and vomiting with them or whatever.


i just straightened my hair and i look like shit

Probably because that dumb bitch at the aveda place (the one near hilldale; DON'T go there) gave me a shitty haircut and that shines through regardless of texture. Especially shiny thanks to John Frieda. I feel like her name was Violet but I think it's just because my bff is on my mind. She was 19. The hair stylist that is, not my feline friend.

"Chartreux tend to bond with one person in their household, preferring to be in their general vicinity (often following their person from room to room), though they are still loving and affectionate to the other members of the household."